Why "Purple and Fine Linen"?

Dear Reader,

A lot of thought goes into choosing a blog name.  You want something that reflects what you want to write about while also reflecting a little of your personality.  You want something that is easy to remember (and find again!). And you want something that is a little bit unique.
I love to read blogs. I have always enjoyed writing, and felt this was something I could do. I just want to write about some of my daily struggles and inspirations and hope that they are an encouragement to someone else besides me. I had felt God gently nudging me to write about some of the lessons I am learning along the way of life for a while. He kept inspiring me with great post ideas reflecting the life lessons I keep receiving. I am not some sort of guru who has all the answers, but I am learning more and more where to turn for the answers. And with a 25 year marriage, and 4 children, I have a lot of life lessons to pull from.
